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Dinosaurs! (Forger of Worlds Book 3) Page 10

  “What about you?” I asked immediately. I didn’t want Veronica to feel as though she had to get me off without getting the same treatment, but she silenced me with a boop to my nose and a coy little grin.

  “Don’t you worry about me this time,” she purred. “Let me take care of you.”

  “If you insist.” I chuckled and managed a nod. I certainly wasn’t going to oppose a treat such as this.

  Veronica tipped my head back just enough that I could rest my head back on the cool tiles. My back was arched just slightly, but for the most part, I was pressed to her front with her breast smooshed against me. It was an odd feeling to have what were essentially natural female pillows cushioning me, but boy was it welcomed.

  I tilted my head, craning for a kiss which Veronica met graciously. Like a magnet, her hands gravitated to my stiff cock, and I tangled my fingers into her hair. Using her tail like a third limb, she grabbed the bottle of shampoo and poured a generous amount of the soap over little me. The warm water loosened the gel up just enough that when her hands began to work me, it was an easy glide up and down.

  Already, tension was building up in the pit of my stomach. Veronica made it so easy to drift away like this, to forget the woes of being a god and just exist for myself for a change and not for everyone else to worship, though it was nice at times, especially in instances like this.

  I couldn’t tell physically, but I was fairly certain that I was already leaking with desire, and I felt a smirk curl on Veronica’s lips as she kissed along my jaw and let the water run over our bodies, rinsing away my worries and soapy hair. Just the contact of her hands had my knees starting to shake, and I pressed my palm to the wall beside me to keep myself steady on the slick shower floor. A lot of words could have been said at that moment. The world around us seemingly halted, hanging onto this moment for as long as it could, as though giving me one final chance to say anything but what fell from my lips.

  “Please…” I drawled with a deep, needy moan. My breath was already ragged, and I just need that extra nudge to tip me over the edge. Thankfully, Veronica knew that, and her pace quickened considerably. Her wrists snapped up and down my shaft, rolling over the head and then jerking back down.

  And then her tail… it slithered and wound up my leg and between my thighs before she curled it around my balls and ever so gently squeezed them rhythmically.

  “Holy fuck,” I moaned again, this time even louder, and I was certain that any passerby would have heard me, not that I cared. I was far too lost in the building heat and sensual rubbing that Zaxcs himself could have poked his head in, and I would have ignored him.

  “Come for me, Garrett,” Veronica encouraged. “Let go.”

  That was it. That was the final thread that had been holding me together, and now it was coming undone. I cried out as I fucked Veronica’s hand furiously, desperate to come again. Heat rushed to my cheeks, to my groin, hell I was hot everywhere, and the noise that forced itself from my throat was anything but human, nor godly. It was strangled, harsh, and filled with unbridled passion. It was absolutely beautiful if I do say so myself. I poured myself over her fingers and watched as my come filtered down the shower drain.

  My pulse raced as I came down from my high, and Veronica’s lips graced mine once again. Her kisses were slow, which I was thankful for. I could keep up with the best of them, but I would be lying if I didn’t say I was pretty spent after that. It might not have been full-blown intercourse, but the orgasm from her soapy handjob was just as intense, if not better.

  A sheen of sweat began to bead on my brow, and Veronica was quick to wipe it away with the pad of her thumb. She smiled sweetly and ran the tip of her tail along my leg comfortingly. It wasn’t often that I found myself at the mercy of anyone, but at this moment, I was glad that I was able to share it with Veronica and know that whatever happened, she would be by my side to care for me. She was a brilliant scientist who had her quirks. Who didn’t these days? But she was also a caregiver, a nurturer, and those types of people were hard to come by. I would know.

  The scent of arousal and sweat hung in the air, and likely would for a while with how fierce that orgasm was. I felt a little bad for anyone that came in after us, but I also didn’t. They got to bathe in the scent of godly orgasm, and they should consider that a privilege.

  “Are you feeling any better?” Veronica asked after a moment, and she smoothed my hair from my face gently.

  “I think I am,” I smirked and turned around fully to kiss her. “Thanks for cleaning me up.”

  “Anytime,” she winked and cupped my cheeks. “Maybe next time we can switch.”

  “I’m sure that can be arranged,” I said with a chuckle.


  Needless to say, it took me a bit longer than I’d expected to get back to Ares and finish the quest to seed life on it so I could set off its own version of the Cambrian Explosion, but I succeeded nonetheless and got eighteen stat points and six skill points to boot. I again chose to save my skill points, but I did distribute my stat points evenly, so I wound up adding three points to Charisma, Fortitude, Strength, Agility, and Intelligence.

  It was a bit strange because I’d sort of expected that finishing this quest would open a new portal, but it didn’t. As I sat there, trying to contemplate why that was, Jodie’s voice piped up over our communications link.

  “Hey, Garrett… I, uh, found an interesting development.” There was a long pause. “Can you come help me?”

  “Sure,” I said a bit hesitantly because, honestly, if this was another booty call, I wasn’t sure if I had the energy for that. Then again, I was a god here, so…

  Whatever. I’d make it work.

  Either way, I teleported to her, still in the Dyson sphere, a moment later, and I realized much to my dismay that it was not, at all, a sex thing. Instead, she was standing in a room filled with what had to be a couple hundred beds, and each one of them appeared to house what looked like a sleeping velociraptor person.

  “So, yeah, I found this.” Jodie gestured at the beds. “Basically, there is power, but almost all of it is being devoted to life support to keep them alive for the maximum amount of time.”

  “That’s… a bit weird, though, right?” I looked at the catgirl. “Like, when would they wake up? Or would they just drive forever until the star was sucked dry of power?”

  “That, I’m not sure, but what I think is happening is that there is some kind of automated repair system, but it appears to have been severely damaged.” She frowned. “Of course, I’m basing all this on the sentences I found written in blood.”

  “You’re kidding, right?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

  “No.” She shook her head. “Come on, I’ll show you.”

  She spun on her heel and made her out of the room. I soon found it exited into what seemed like a small command center, only it was full of what looked like the remnants of machine parts and broken down robots. There was another stasis pod here, but this one was empty and covered in strange symbols, that did appear, at least at first glance, to have been written in blood.

  “It says something about running out of time.” Jodie ran her scanner over it. “But that’s a super rough translation I’ve gotten based on the few scraps of actual language I’ve found. If we could find something more substantial, I could work up a better translation.”

  “Do you know who made these markings?” I asked as I stared at the bloody handprints leading out of the room.

  “No.” She shook her head. “That’s why I called you.” She gestured at me. “You’re a god, and I’m just a tiny catgirl who doesn’t want to get eaten by a space lizard.” She shook her head. “And I don’t care who needs to hear me say that. Pussycat is not on the menu. No siree.” She put her hands on her hips. “I mean, what would you say if I did get eaten because I refused to ask the actual god I know for help?” She then mimicked my voice rather well. “That Jodie, I wish she’d have just asked for my help. I could have
snapped my fingers and turned the bad guy into a bouquet of posies, but no, she had to go try to be Miss Wonder.”

  “Miss Wonder?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “She’s a superheroine from my world. She was like part-goddess, and was raised by these superwomen on this tiny island to be an amazing warrior, and then this dark god came, and during the fight, she was irradiated by his blue magic stone, and that gave her a bunch more powers.” Jodie shrugged. “I used to dress up as her for Halloween when I was a kitten.”

  “Right.” I nodded. “Anyway, I’ll take a look around.” I smiled. “And I appreciate you calling me for help.”

  “Don’t mention it,” she said with a smirk. “Also, I know you’re a god and all, but maybe shower next time? You smell like two catgirls in heat.”

  “I did shower, actually.” I ran a hand through my hair. “And then I willed myself clean when I became a god again.”

  “Catgirl noses work very well.” She twitched her nose. “Smells like you had a great time, but enough about that.” She looked around the tiny room. “Let’s find our bloody-handed crazy person.”

  Jodie has offered you a quest. Blood? Markings? TERROR? WTF?. Would you like to accept? Yes or no?

  “Right.” I accepted the quest and made my way toward the far door. “Say, where’s Hudson?”

  “I left him to gather up some of the parts we found in one of the other rooms so we could transfer them back to the Halls of Research for further study. I plan to disassemble them and learn how they were made, so maybe I could cobble together something useful, but it will be way easier if I can actually just turn on an engineering console and download all the blueprints.” She smirked. “I do have that new skill, after all.”

  “Makes sense,” I said as I mentally checked in on Hudson, and a quick glance through his eyes showed him doing exactly what she’d said. And man, were there a lot of broken robot parts. “So, what’s the plan?”

  “I stay out there where it’s safe.” She gestured at the room full of beds. “You find the creepy fuck who is writing things in blood.”

  “Okay.” I nodded. “And safe, in this case, means staying in a room full of sleeping velociraptors? Like, that is exactly how horror movies start.”

  “That… is an excellent point.” Jodie swallowed audibly. “Actually, I’d feel way better if you just protected me from space monsters while I continued working in the giant zombie dinosaur room?”

  “Right.” I laughed. I couldn’t help it. “How about I take you back to the Halls of Research for now?”

  “No.” She shook her head and then adjusted the girls. “I’m not done researching and who knows when you’ll be able to be able to take me back here again.” She hung her head slightly. “I’ll just, hmm...” She looked at me. “Maybe summon Queenie? And Crabface? They could protect me while you go look around?”

  “That can be done,” I said with a smirk, and after confirming with Queenie that she wasn’t terribly busy, I summoned the Ant Queen as well as Crabface. “Can you two watch over Jodie while I find out what the fuck is going on here?”

  “It would be my pleasure, master.” Queenie then made eye contact with Jodie before putting a giant spoonful of honey into her mouth. “Won’t this be fun?” she mmph-mmph-mmphed.

  “I asked for that, didn’t I?” Jodie said as she looked over at Crabface for support.

  “Honestly, I’m just happy to be here,” the giant half-crab, half-Amorphie said as he looked from her to me and back again. “I was pretty sure I wasn’t getting summoned again.”

  “It was a near thing,” I admitted. “Prove to me why I should give you one of my coveted ‘freedom’ slots.” Yes, I did make air quotes when I said that.

  “That’s fair.” Crabface nodded. “So, what am I to do, exactly?” He looked around. “Are those dinosaurs?”

  “I’m not sure.” I shrugged. “Maybe we should bring Melanie here? I bet she could tell us.”

  “How can they be dinosaurs if they don’t have feathers?” Jodie stamped her foot in a way that made me think she may have actually had this conversation before.

  “Jodie, the fossil record is pretty clear that there were two kinds of dinosaurs. Ones that had hips like reptiles and others like birds,” Melanie piped up from our communications link. “The reptile ones don’t have feathers. Also, they don’t wear overcoats.”

  “Just because you’ve never seen a dinosaur wearing an overcoat does not mean they didn’t.” Jodie stamped her foot again.

  “Right,” I said as I glanced over at Queenie and Crabface. “I’m going to leave you two with Jodie so she can continue arguing with Melanie.” I touched my chest. “I, on the other hand, am going to see if I can find our bloody-handed culprit.”

  “I will make sure nothing happens to Jodie, master.” She shot a side-eye at the catgirl. “Assuming she works and isn’t lazy. Then there will be beatings…”

  “Queenie,” I admonished.

  “Mild beatings?” she offered.

  “No beatings.”

  “Tiny beatings?” She looked at me imploringly.

  “No beating the workers.” I glanced at Crabface. “That goes for you too.”

  “I only beat people until their morale improves.” The giant crab shrugged. “Jodie’s morale seems sufficiently high.”

  “Right, okay, whatever.” I scrubbed my face with my hand. “Try not to kill each other.” Then before I could get sucked into Crazyland even more, I ushered them out of the tiny room so I could look it over in peace.

  Unfortunately, even with my godly powers, focusing on the blood and such didn’t yield anything. Then again, I hadn’t expected it much. After all, I’d scanned this thing a dozen times and never seen the zombie raptors.

  So, with my cheat mode currently deactivated, I did the next best thing. I summoned Scout because he was a badass Scout Ant.

  “Hey there, boy,” I said as I scratched him under the chin which elicited a delighted antennae twitch. “Wanna help me find something?”

  He didn’t respond exactly, but I knew from his stone-cold silence that he was more than happy to help.

  “Okay, so I need you to find whoever made that blood.” I pointed at the splotches.

  Scout twitched his antennae, which I knew meant, well, something. Then the Scout Ant padded over to the blood and leaned in close to it. He seemed to sniff a few times like a giant, ant-shaped dog, then straightened and looked at me with his multifaceted eyes.

  “Go ahead,” I said with a nod. “I’ll follow.”

  He must have understood because he began to amble away, but then stopped when he reached the far wall. It didn’t seem strange or anything, just a blank metal wall without much to it, so I wasn’t sure how our target could have moved through it. After all, there was only one door, so I’d expected Scout to, you know, leave the room?

  “You sure, boy?” I asked as I walked toward the wall and put my hand on it. The metal felt solid enough.

  His antennae twitched the affirmative.

  “Right, okay.” I turned my attention back to the door and reached out once again with my godly senses. It was a bit strange because I didn’t feel anyone behind the wall, but what I did feel was a space. Actually, that wasn’t accurate. What I felt was the lack of anything. Like a tiny void where there should have been something. You know, air, dust motes, atoms of any kind. Instead, there was simply nothing, and that was strange.

  “It’s like with the Yuuzhan Vong being outside the force, and the Jedi had to sense them by looking for voids in the force,” I told Scout, who was thoroughly pleased by my analogy. Then I grabbed ahold of the wall and tore it free of the structure.

  At which point, I was shot in the face.


  “Die! Die! Die! Die!” The crazed glasses-wearing velociraptor in a pencil skirt and a lab coat cried as she continued shooting me with what I could only classify as a plasma rifle. “Die! Die! Die! Die!”

  Not that it hurt. After all
, I was in God Mode, and that plasma weapon was very much not a God-level weapon. The first volley of shots washed off me like a refreshing cascade of water.

  “Red light,” I said as I brought time to a near standstill, casually strolled over to her, and pulled the gun out of her hands. Part of me thought about breaking it to make a point, but it seemed sweet, and I wondered if Jodie could duplicate it. Then I took a few steps back. “Green light.”

  “Oh, you think your little time trick is going to stop me,” she snarled as she flexed her claws. “I have a fix for that!” Then she began to fiddle with some kind of high-tech doohickey on her wrist.

  “Or, and hear me out, you can tell me why you shot at me when I’m just trying to help?” I offered as she pressed a button that caused a sphere of glowing purple energy to surround her.

  “Ha! They said it couldn’t be done!” She cackled. “But I, Cera-Vahn-Startritor, have, in fact, done it!” She gave me a smug look. “Just try to freeze time in my anti-time-freezing-bubble.” She crossed her arms over her rather ample dinosaur chest. Honestly, it wasn’t as weird as it sounds, which probably says a lot about me.

  “Does it stop plasma rifles?” I asked as I pointed the gun I’d taken at her. “Because while I’m not an expert at velociraptor technology, I am pretty sure pulling trigger A.” I tapped the trigger with a finger. “While pointing bad end B.” I gestured at her with it. “Will make it do bad things to you.”

  “Oh, well, erm…” She bit her lip as her eyes flicked from me to the gun then back to me. “Give me a second.” She spun on her heels and raced toward a large, bloody cabinet in the corner. As she approached, the device on her wrist glowed softly, and then the cabinet opened to reveal a whole bunch of cyberpunk gizmos. She grabbed hold of one which sort of looked like a sapphire tennis ball, pressed a few buttons on its side, and then threw it into the air where it began to whirl around her.

  “Just try to shoot me now.” She nodded. “My anti-plasma detonator will not only absorb the attack but throw it back to you seven times as hard.”